Innocent was officially formed in 1980 after → ↑ → had released three 7" EPs on white label records stamped with the → ↑ → logo, and the release of the Asphixiation LP and 12" single. All these records were included in the Innocent Records mail order catalogue. Philip Brophy and David Chesworth pooled resources to release their respective collaborative and solo projects. The label was also connected to New Music Magazine which reviewed concerts held at the Clifton Hill Community Music Centre) by releasing 2 compilation LPs. Most of the Innocent records came in hand-silkscreened covers designed by Philip and printed with Maria Kozic (unless indicated otherwise by *). The last year of the label was run by David for his solo and group releases.
LP & 12" single
Soundtrack from the performance
Released on the one-off Asphixiation lablel and distributed by Innocent Records
7" EP
Hand-silkscreened cover on fold-out coloured card
7" single
Hand-silkscreened cover on coloured card
Hand-silkscreened cover on coloured card
Image by Peter Tyndall
7" single (*)
Solo project by → ↑ → member Ralph Traviato
Drums by Philip Brophy
Hand-silkscreened cover on coloured card
Designed by Jayne Stevenson
7" single
Hand-silkscreened cover on coloured card
Double-LP compilation
Drawings by Linda Marrinon
7" EP (*)
Designed by Jayne Stevenson
LP (*)
Hand-silkscreened cover on coloured cars & clear plastic
Designed by Paul Fletcher